Taylor Swift, the global superstar, was deeply moved by the devastating fire outbreak that ravaged town. The disaster left countless families homeless and without basic...
PHOTO: The Entire Internet Is Tripping Out Over Sketchy Image That Appears To Show Patrick Mahomes Rocking Racist Symbol On His Clothing. Patrick Mahomes...
Taylor Swift Arrives Late to Broncos vs. Chiefs Game—but little did she know that her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, had a life-changing plan waiting for her....
One photo showed Swift during a fun night out, while another snap featured her lounging in a bathing suit Jeslyn Gorman, one of Taylor...
In a surprising turn of events, pop superstar Taylor Swift has officially ended her long-term relationship with NFL star Travis Kelce. The news, which has...
Houston, TX – In a devastating turn of events, Olympic gymnastics champion Simone Biles has been rushed to the hospital after her home collapsed, leaving...
In an unforgettable Christmas gesture, Travis Kelce has gifted his long-time girlfriend, Taylor Swift, a stunning $13 million Rolls-Royce. The surprise, which took place during...
The Kansas City Chiefs did it again! But that’s what we expect from Patrick Mahomes. That play where the QB connected with Travis Kelce wasn’t...
Chiefs vs. Chargers Game Cancelled Following Tragic Death of Derrick Thomas In a heartbreaking turn of events, the Kansas City Chiefs announced the sudden...
Kansas City, MO – Tragedy has struck the family of NFL superstar Patrick Mahomes, as his young daughter, Sterling, was involved in a devastating car...